
Sunday, 13 March 2016

Welcome note :)

Hi friends, I am Majety Chakradhar or better call me by my pen name MCD. I am an enthusiastic reader and a troubled writer. When I am not writing I will read, when I am not reading I will write and When I am not doing both, I may be doing my graduation or may be some unmentionable things... :P 

This blog is completely dedicated to my ideas, my views and my words. Here I discuss books, plots, characters and my way of learning 'how to write' and 'how to build the stories'. 

You can find discussion about the character or plot or a book as whole and you can find my methods of making a story and bringing out the writer in you. 

Simply, its a blog that is completely my own and has nothing to do with anyone's approval. Everything I say here is by my own rules and do not bind to any set standards of writing principles. To enter into a world of writing where the only rules is to not obey any rules come here, fallow this blog. Enter into my world of 'mumbo jumbo writing'. :)

Love you, dear haters and dear lovers, love you more. <3


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