
Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Top 5 Traits that made 'Hugh Glass' from movie 'The Revenant', a special one.

Special Character Chronicles: Lead Role:Hugh Glass (from The Revenant)

(Under '#Special_Character_Chronicles' I will be discussing the strains of the characters that made them super. I will discuss the top 5 reasons why the special character is special and may add some more if it necessary. Here we can learn what makes a character special and how to deviate it from other such characters. It's all is my own personal view and is not out from any surveys or statistics. Everything I mentioned here are completely my own ideas and don't have to fit with anyone's opinions.)

Top 5 Traits that made 'Hugh Glass' from movie 'The Revenant' Special.

A character becomes highlighted and unforgettable because of some special traits they possess. These qualities give them them a unique identity that is printed in the audience/reader's heart forever. Yesterday I have seen the movie 'The Revenant' and the lead character, Hugh Glass made me spell bound through out the movie and even after. There are many special traits he has that makes him the most lovable character. Here I am listing the 'Top5' traits of his character that made him special. 
Here we can learn how to build a solid strong character of a lead role and which aspects of him will effect the reader and how?? Hope it will help in designing your characters. Thank you :)

And by the way many many many CONGRATULATIONS to Leonardo DiCaprio for winning an Oscar for his best acting in 'The Revenant'. He's always a best actor. 

1.He is a Revenant!!! (His Endurance.) 

No audience/readers expect an easy adventure. They always want to see lead character suffocate struggling. You trouble your character and make him crawl out of that crap then he becomes interesting to the spectators.

In the movies Glass' was left in an impossible survival quest in wild and he literally crawls all his way out of it. He comes back from grave!!! that's just so awesome man, it is making him so great and invincible in the audience hearts .

2.He has an Untold Past.

An untold or unclear past makes the character more interesting and involving. The mystery about his present behavior or the unanswered questions we raise about the character's origin keep the audience/reader engaged in story more enthusiastically. 
In the movie, 'Hugh Glass' has a painful past with a murder that is misinterpreted by people. In fact the story begins with an ambiguous introduction of his past shown as his dreams. It gives many questions to the viewer who will start searching for answers in every inch of the story they go through. 
Glass remains silent when captain ask him that did he really killed an officer. Raising this unanswered question and showing the montage shots of the Glass' past makes audience bewilder about the true nature of character and keep them busy in interpreting it.
So Having a past that is either completely untold or told in a unclear way or in a parallel narration with main story keeps the reader in thrill and makes the Character special. So according to me, having a troubled past and its parallel revelation is the first magnificent trait that made the 'Hugh Glass' character a special one.

3.He is an Oppressed soul.

Rather than those pro-active characters, it's the introvert or the less-social behavior of the character that drags the audience/reader's attention. Due to their abnormal or deviant behavior they get highlighted very easily in the eyes of the spectators. 

During scene, Fitzgerald blames Glass and comments on his past and his son,Hawk. When hawk tries to protest the comment Glass shouts at him.It goes like this:
Glass: 'I told you to be invisible, son'
Hawk: 'At least..'
Glass: 'If you want to survive keep  your mouth shut'
Hawk: 'At least he heard me...'
Glass: 'They don't hear your voice! They just see the color of your face you. Understand? Do you understand?'
Hawk: Yes.

From these dialogues anyone can understand that Glass is oppressed by society and that he is afraid of losing his son. It also reveals that his son is half white which is why he said '...they just see the color of your face.' It is understandable that his child is someone that his society dis-approves. Glass is a victim of the society he lives in. 
A lead character who's been beaten by society and yet lives it is the most unpredictable one. I mean anything can happen, he may rebel, he may escape or he may turn evil.... I mean an oppressed soul is prone to many possible transformations. So This trait of being oppressed by society makes 'Glass' Special.

4.His Intelligence.

Audience/Readers admire the 'brilliance'. Beginning from Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Holmes' to Chethan Bhagath's adult romance fiction the intelligence of the lead role is winning the reader's heart. Adding a pinch of Intelligent traits to your character, no matter what kinda one it is makes it cool.

It is clearly visible that Glass is an intelligent guy from the beginning scene when he was hunting in wild. he will take quick decisions, he is good at knowing the routes and evading the dangers. That's the reason why Captain relies on his decision when it comes to the safety of his crew. We can see his intelligence during his survival in the wild and his tactics to catch the 'Fitzgerald in the climax' 
So Intelligence is one of the trait that made him special.

5.He's a beautiful heart.

Kindness, sympathy in the character melts the reader's heart right away. sometimes it may annoy the reader but in long term effects, it only leaves a great impression of the role in the reader's mind. And when the character is badly beaten by fate and still sustains his tender heart, it just grabs the reader's heart straight away to the character. 
In the movie, Glass, while stealing a horse from a camp, will help a lady,pawaqa who's being raped by a white guy. Glass can hardly stand on his legs when he helped her to escape. It shows how good soul he is. Even when at the edge of the death, seeing his son die, he revives to life and hunts down the killer and do the justice to his son's death. It's not about his hatred for the killer that made him revive, it's his love for his son that gave him the strength to fight his fate. 
A beautiful heart is what no one can deny to admire. His loving heart is the special trait that made him so special. 

Some More pics here:

(PicCredits: official website of the movie 'The Revenant')

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